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Lesovic Groza Tarp 300 x 300 cm - incl. guy ropes (without tent pegs)


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Regulärer Kaufpreis: €159,00

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Rent your outdoor gear for ultimate adventures: Lesovic Groza Tarp

The Lesovik Groza Tarp provides lightweight and versatile shelter for your outdoor adventures. Whether you use it as a roof for your hammock or as a ground shelter, the Groza Tarp offers flexible uses that provide you with maximum comfort and protection.

Versatile protection for every adventure

The Groza Tarp can be put into different configurations in just a few easy steps: It serves as a light tent, privacy screen, sun protection or tepee. Its subtle color blends harmoniously into the surroundings of a forest campsite, while its generous dimensions of 3 × 3 m offer enough space for various activities.

Ultimate camping comfort

Whether you want to cook, organize your gear, sleep alone or with friends, or simply protect yourself from bad weather, the Groza Tarp is your reliable companion. The universal size allows for a variety of setup options, while a standard hammock can easily fit underneath without getting wet in the rain.

Robust and durable

For increased durability, the Groza Tarp is made from high-quality waterproof nylon. All anchor points are made from laser-cut Hypalon, a durable rubber-nylon laminate that is also used in military equipment. This means you can rely on your Groza Tarp even in demanding environments.

Technical details

  • Classic square tarpaulin
  • Made from 100% waterproof nylon
  • 19 attachment points for guy ropes
  • Integrated tensioning system for guy ropes
  • Laser-cut Hypalon reinforcements
  • Dimensions: 300 x 300 cm
  • Weight: 560 g (including guy ropes, ZIPSY hooks and transport bag)
  • Material: 100% Silnylon Ripstop
  • Including transport bag and hanging system

Rent your Groza Tarp now and experience unforgettable outdoor adventures!

With the Lesovic Groza Tarp you are well equipped for every adventure. Rent your outdoor equipment now and start your next adventure full of comfort and safety.

Tarps/Wings/Shelter | Lesovic Groza Tarp 300 x 300 cm - inkl. Abspannleinen (ohne Zeltheringe) (re - use) | Eddy's Adventure

Lesovic Groza Tarp 300 x 300 cm - incl. guy ropes (without tent pegs)


Rent your outdoor gear for ultimate adventures: Lesovic Groza Tarp

The Lesovik Groza Tarp provides lightweight and versatile shelter for your outdoor adventures. Whether you use it as a roof for your hammock or as a ground shelter, the Groza Tarp offers flexible uses that provide you with maximum comfort and protection.

Versatile protection for every adventure

The Groza Tarp can be put into different configurations in just a few easy steps: It serves as a light tent, privacy screen, sun protection or tepee. Its subtle color blends harmoniously into the surroundings of a forest campsite, while its generous dimensions of 3 × 3 m offer enough space for various activities.

Ultimate camping comfort

Whether you want to cook, organize your gear, sleep alone or with friends, or simply protect yourself from bad weather, the Groza Tarp is your reliable companion. The universal size allows for a variety of setup options, while a standard hammock can easily fit underneath without getting wet in the rain.

Robust and durable

For increased durability, the Groza Tarp is made from high-quality waterproof nylon. All anchor points are made from laser-cut Hypalon, a durable rubber-nylon laminate that is also used in military equipment. This means you can rely on your Groza Tarp even in demanding environments.

Technical details

Rent your Groza Tarp now and experience unforgettable outdoor adventures!

With the Lesovic Groza Tarp you are well equipped for every adventure. Rent your outdoor equipment now and start your next adventure full of comfort and safety.

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