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Ortlieb Handlebar-Pack - 9 liters - handlebar bag/bikepacking


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Rent your outdoor equipment: ORTLIEB Handlebar Pack with 9 litre volume

On to new adventures! The ORTLIEB Handlebar Pack with a volume of 9 liters is your indispensable companion for every bikepacking tour in nature. This waterproof handlebar bag not only offers space for your sleeping bag and sleeping mat, but also ensures optimal luggage distribution on the bike.

Practical and reliable

The Handlebar Pack has roll closures on both sides, which allow you to easily access the contents at any time. The compression straps on the outside allow you to safely store and attach additional equipment. Four hooks are already integrated to attach the accessory pack to expand the volume.

Stable mounting for any terrain

The Handlebar Pack's mounting system consists of spacers and straps with strong Velcro fasteners that ensure a stable attachment to any type of handlebar. It can even be attached to carbon handlebars. A plastic reinforcement inside and a fixation on the head tube offer reliable stability, no matter what terrain you are riding on.

Suitable for any bikepacking adventure

The smaller version of the handlebar pack is only 40 cm long and is perfect for off-road drop bars, racing or cross handlebars. It not only scores with its small width, but also with its low weight, which makes your ride even more pleasant.

More features for your tour

  • Hooks for attaching the accessory pack: Expand your luggage volume as needed.
  • Also suitable for carbon handlebars: Flexible attachment to different handlebar types.
  • Belt straps with Velcro fastener as assembly aid: Easy and secure attachment to the bike.
  • Bright 3M Scotchlite reflectors: For good visibility even in poor lighting conditions.

Technical data

  • Colour: Black Matt
  • Material: PS21R
  • Bag type: Single bag
  • Weight: 375 g | 13.2 oz
  • Dimensions: Height: 16 cm | Width: 40 cm | Depth: 16 cm
  • Volume: 9 L | 549.2 cu inch

Rent your outdoor equipment now and get ready for your next bikepacking adventure with the ORTLIEB Handlebar Pack!

Bikepacking Taschen | Ortlieb Handlebar - Pack - 9 Liter - Lenkertasche/Bikepacking (re - use) | Eddy's Adventure

Ortlieb Handlebar-Pack - 9 liters - handlebar bag/bikepacking


Rent your outdoor equipment: ORTLIEB Handlebar Pack with 9 litre volume

On to new adventures! The ORTLIEB Handlebar Pack with a volume of 9 liters is your indispensable companion for every bikepacking tour in nature. This waterproof handlebar bag not only offers space for your sleeping bag and sleeping mat, but also ensures optimal luggage distribution on the bike.

Practical and reliable

The Handlebar Pack has roll closures on both sides, which allow you to easily access the contents at any time. The compression straps on the outside allow you to safely store and attach additional equipment. Four hooks are already integrated to attach the accessory pack to expand the volume.

Stable mounting for any terrain

The Handlebar Pack's mounting system consists of spacers and straps with strong Velcro fasteners that ensure a stable attachment to any type of handlebar. It can even be attached to carbon handlebars. A plastic reinforcement inside and a fixation on the head tube offer reliable stability, no matter what terrain you are riding on.

Suitable for any bikepacking adventure

The smaller version of the handlebar pack is only 40 cm long and is perfect for off-road drop bars, racing or cross handlebars. It not only scores with its small width, but also with its low weight, which makes your ride even more pleasant.

More features for your tour

Technical data

Rent your outdoor equipment now and get ready for your next bikepacking adventure with the ORTLIEB Handlebar Pack!

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