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Helsport Gravel SL 4L half bag for bikepacking


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Rent your bikepacking adventures with the Helsport Gravel SL 4L half bag!

Do you love exploring new paths, having adventures and letting the wind blow through your hair? Then you've come to the right place at Eddy's Adventure! Rent your outdoor gear and immerse yourself in unforgettable trekking and bikepacking adventures. This time we present you the Helsport Gravel SL 4L Halfbag - your perfect companion for minimalist multi-day bike tours!

Made for unforgettable bikepacking adventures!

Rent your outdoor gear for ultimate freedom on two wheels! The Gravel SL Frame Bag not only offers impressive loading capacity, but also a slim, rectangular design that makes optimal use of the unused space on your bike. Pack your gear and prepare to face the endless path wherever it takes you. Extend your bike tours over several days and experience real bikepacking adventures!

Technical product features and highlights:

Light and compact: Weighing just 250 g, the Gravel SL 4L half bag is minimalist and doesn't burden you unnecessarily.

Generous storage space: With 4 liters of storage space (45x15(10)x6 cm), it offers enough space for your essentials.

Water-repellent and durable: The material with a water column of 8000 mm keeps your equipment dry, no matter what conditions you're out in.

Easy to attach: Easy to attach and remove with non-slip Velcro straps so you can set off quickly.

Thoughtful Design: The main compartment features interior pockets on the drive side, while a flat pocket on the non-drive side provides space for additional small items.

Waterproof YKK Zippers: YKK AquaGuard zippers protected by a cover keep your essentials safe and dry.

Versatile Attachment Points: With multiple attachment points for maximum flexibility.

Rent your outdoor equipment and experience the freedom of bikepacking with the Helsport Gravel SL 4L half bag. Ready for the next adventure? Rent your bikepacking gear now at Eddy's Adventure!

Bikepacking Taschen | Helsport Gravel SL 4L Halfbag für Bikepacking (re - use) | Eddy's Adventure
Helsport AS

Helsport Gravel SL 4L half bag for bikepacking


Rent your bikepacking adventures with the Helsport Gravel SL 4L half bag!

Do you love exploring new paths, having adventures and letting the wind blow through your hair? Then you've come to the right place at Eddy's Adventure! Rent your outdoor gear and immerse yourself in unforgettable trekking and bikepacking adventures. This time we present you the Helsport Gravel SL 4L Halfbag - your perfect companion for minimalist multi-day bike tours!

Made for unforgettable bikepacking adventures!

Rent your outdoor gear for ultimate freedom on two wheels! The Gravel SL Frame Bag not only offers impressive loading capacity, but also a slim, rectangular design that makes optimal use of the unused space on your bike. Pack your gear and prepare to face the endless path wherever it takes you. Extend your bike tours over several days and experience real bikepacking adventures!

Technical product features and highlights:

Light and compact: Weighing just 250 g, the Gravel SL 4L half bag is minimalist and doesn't burden you unnecessarily.

Generous storage space: With 4 liters of storage space (45x15(10)x6 cm), it offers enough space for your essentials.

Water-repellent and durable: The material with a water column of 8000 mm keeps your equipment dry, no matter what conditions you're out in.

Easy to attach: Easy to attach and remove with non-slip Velcro straps so you can set off quickly.

Thoughtful Design: The main compartment features interior pockets on the drive side, while a flat pocket on the non-drive side provides space for additional small items.

Waterproof YKK Zippers: YKK AquaGuard zippers protected by a cover keep your essentials safe and dry.

Versatile Attachment Points: With multiple attachment points for maximum flexibility.

Rent your outdoor equipment and experience the freedom of bikepacking with the Helsport Gravel SL 4L half bag. Ready for the next adventure? Rent your bikepacking gear now at Eddy's Adventure!

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