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Helsport SL Handlebar Harness for bikepacking


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Rent your bikepacking equipment and start your next adventure with the Helsport SL Handlebar Harness!

Feel the freedom on your bike and discover new trails with our innovative equipment, perfect for your bikepacking adventure.

Stable and versatile: The Gravel SL Handlebar Harness

Our Gravel SL Handlebar Harness is the ultimate tool for minimalist, multi-day bike adventures. Designed to carry dry bags, packrafts and tents on your handlebars, it's like a "soft rack" for your bike. With integrated straps that are ideal for light, bulky loads, the Harness offers an ideal solution when you want quick access to your gear. Best suited for loads of 3-5kg, it can carry a 30 liter dry bag depending on the frame and handlebars. The EVA foam spacers ensure that all cables remain free on the handlebars. With the Gravel SL Handlebar Harness you'll be ready for the endless roads, no matter where they take you.

Technical product features and highlights:

  • Stable and light: The Handlebar Harness weighs only 350 g and still offers a stable platform for your equipment.
  • Large storage space: With a size of 26x30 cm + 10x30 cm, it offers enough space for your most important utensils.
  • Tool-Free Installation: Easy to install and adaptable to different handlebars and bike frames.
  • Easy to clean: The harness can be easily cleaned even after muddy trails.
  • Stable fastening system: The EVA foam spacers, fiberglass stiffening rods and ITW Latch-Cam buckles ensure secure fastening.
  • Versatile: Perfect for use with dry bags, sleeping bags or tents - fits up to 30L dry bags.

Rent your bikepacking gear today and experience the freedom of the road with the Helsport SL Handlebar Harness. Pack light, explore more and start your next adventure!

Bikepacking Taschen | Helsport SL Handlebar Harness für Bikepacking (re - use) | Eddy's Adventure
Helsport AS

Helsport SL Handlebar Harness for bikepacking


Rent your bikepacking equipment and start your next adventure with the Helsport SL Handlebar Harness!

Feel the freedom on your bike and discover new trails with our innovative equipment, perfect for your bikepacking adventure.

Stable and versatile: The Gravel SL Handlebar Harness

Our Gravel SL Handlebar Harness is the ultimate tool for minimalist, multi-day bike adventures. Designed to carry dry bags, packrafts and tents on your handlebars, it's like a "soft rack" for your bike. With integrated straps that are ideal for light, bulky loads, the Harness offers an ideal solution when you want quick access to your gear. Best suited for loads of 3-5kg, it can carry a 30 liter dry bag depending on the frame and handlebars. The EVA foam spacers ensure that all cables remain free on the handlebars. With the Gravel SL Handlebar Harness you'll be ready for the endless roads, no matter where they take you.

Technical product features and highlights:

Rent your bikepacking gear today and experience the freedom of the road with the Helsport SL Handlebar Harness. Pack light, explore more and start your next adventure!

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